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Can't Stop the Signal

You mean people read these things? Oh well. Here's some stuff: I read in spurts. Sometimes a lot, sometimes not at all. Sometimes books, sometimes only articles or newspapers or magazines or whatever's on that box of cereals. I don't review books. I sometimes have random semi-coherent thoughts and I sometimes rant, but i never review.


Oh, and I try to rant in the same language as the book I'm ranting about was written, which means you might encounter Norwegian, English, German or French here, all of it mangled to some degree.


I can read most genres, but I tend to prefer scifi. 

Currently reading

Pwning Tomorrow
Lauren Beukes, Bruce Sterling, Charlie Jane Anders, Cory Doctorow, Kameron Hurley, Hannu Rajaniemi, Neil Gaiman, Ramez Naam, SL Grey, Charles A. Human, Dave Maass, Madeline Ashby, Annalee Newitz, Charles Yu, Carolyn Jewel, Paolo Bacigalupi, James Patrick Kelly, Paul Leice
Progress: 35 %
Mastering Emacs
Mickey Petersen
Roberto Bolaño
Arguably: Selected Prose
Christopher Hitchens

The City & the City

The City & the City - China Miéville It's a mystery, so I was biased against it from the start, but it had enough quirks and weirdness to keep me interested all the way through. Even so it's my least favorite Miéville so far. The present-day eastern european setting brings something different to the genre and it works well for me. (Btw, is it scifi or fantasy, I'm not quite sure?)